Creating an Exobrain

Workshop description:

We will learn how to choose and manage a note-taking system, a task-management system, and a calendar system. Collectively, these tools are affectionately referred to as an “Exobrain”.

That said, this isn’t a typical productivity course. “Productivity” implies a value judgment on “being productive” or (even worse) “being busy”. Your worth is not measured by how much time you spend on the grind. Our goal with this workshop is to help you be *lazier*, to help free up time and energy to do things you want to do.


  • This is a free event hosted by the Guild of the Rose, an organization dedicated to community-based self-improvement. During this inaugural event, you will form a “Cohort”, a structured study group that will take responsibility for hosting future Guild workshops. We will provide the content as well as the system of collaboration with the rest of our online community.

  • This event takes place in the meeting room above Minsky’s Pizza, which gets full waitstaff service. The meeting room has a maximum tab limit of 5. If you plan to order anything from the menu, be prepared to share a tab with a small group of people. Bringing cash is easiest, Venmo is the second-easiest.

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