I know you’re all getting a bit bored, but I’m curious what you think about a different scenario:
What if you have to choose between (a) for the next 3^^^3 days, you get an extra speck in your eye per day than normally, and 50 years you’re placed in stasis, or (b) you get the normal amount of specks in your eyes, but during the next 3^^^3 days you’ll pass through 50 years of atrocious torture.
Everything else is considered equal in the other cases, including the fact that (i) your total lifespan will be the same in both cases (more than 3^^^3 days), (ii) the specks are guaranteed to not cause any physical effects other than those mentioned in the original post (i.e., you’re minimally annoyed and blink once more each day; there are no “tricks” about hidden consequences of specks), (iii) any other occurrence of specks in the eye (yours or others’) or torture (you or others) will happen exactly the same for either choice, (iv) the 50 years of either stasis or torture would happen at the same points and (v) after the end of the 3^^^3 days the state of the world is exactly the same except for you (e.g., the genie doesn’t come back with something tricky).
Also assume that the 3^^^3 days you are human-shaped and human-minded, except for the change that your memory (and ability to use it) is stretched to work over the duration as a typical human’s does during a typical life.
Does your answer change if either:
A) it’s guaranteed that everything else is perfectly equal (e.g., the two possible cases will magically be forbidden to interfere with any of your decisions during the 3^^^3 days, but afterwards you’ll remember them; in the case of torture, any remaining trauma will remain until healed “physically”. More succinctly, there are no side effects during the 3^^^3 days, and none other than the “normal” ones afterwards).
B) the 50 years of torture happen at the start, end, or distributed throughout the period.
C) we replace the life period with either (i) your entire lifespan or (ii) infinity, and/or the period of torture with (i) any constant length larger than one year or (ii) any constant fraction of the lifespan discussed.
D) you are magically justified to put absolute certain trust in the offer (i.e., you’re sure the genie isn’t tricking you).
E) replace “speck in the eye” by “one hair on your body grows by half the normal amount” for each day.
Of course, you don’t have to address every variation mentioned, just those that you think relevant.
I know you’re all getting a bit bored, but I’m curious what you think about a different scenario:
What if you have to choose between (a) for the next 3^^^3 days, you get an extra speck in your eye per day than normally, and 50 years you’re placed in stasis, or (b) you get the normal amount of specks in your eyes, but during the next 3^^^3 days you’ll pass through 50 years of atrocious torture.
Everything else is considered equal in the other cases, including the fact that (i) your total lifespan will be the same in both cases (more than 3^^^3 days), (ii) the specks are guaranteed to not cause any physical effects other than those mentioned in the original post (i.e., you’re minimally annoyed and blink once more each day; there are no “tricks” about hidden consequences of specks), (iii) any other occurrence of specks in the eye (yours or others’) or torture (you or others) will happen exactly the same for either choice, (iv) the 50 years of either stasis or torture would happen at the same points and (v) after the end of the 3^^^3 days the state of the world is exactly the same except for you (e.g., the genie doesn’t come back with something tricky).
Also assume that the 3^^^3 days you are human-shaped and human-minded, except for the change that your memory (and ability to use it) is stretched to work over the duration as a typical human’s does during a typical life.
Does your answer change if either:
A) it’s guaranteed that everything else is perfectly equal (e.g., the two possible cases will magically be forbidden to interfere with any of your decisions during the 3^^^3 days, but afterwards you’ll remember them; in the case of torture, any remaining trauma will remain until healed “physically”. More succinctly, there are no side effects during the 3^^^3 days, and none other than the “normal” ones afterwards).
B) the 50 years of torture happen at the start, end, or distributed throughout the period.
C) we replace the life period with either (i) your entire lifespan or (ii) infinity, and/or the period of torture with (i) any constant length larger than one year or (ii) any constant fraction of the lifespan discussed.
D) you are magically justified to put absolute certain trust in the offer (i.e., you’re sure the genie isn’t tricking you).
E) replace “speck in the eye” by “one hair on your body grows by half the normal amount” for each day.
Of course, you don’t have to address every variation mentioned, just those that you think relevant.