Once implemented, the software application will answer unbounded (limited only by unicode) user requests with peer created responses. These responses will in turn point to peer-created methods to satisfy those requests.
Peer created data will be shared in the background via a P2P network (JXTA) which will also serve as the backbone for a P2P barter network.
A scheduling function allows the same needs to be met with differing methods on a regular basis.
The “screensavers,” or animated content, run within the app and provide hard links into the request function to allow users to obtain or contribute to the technology depicted.
A variety of additional software modules and hardware projects fill out the project to enable it to comprise an economy.
So far, circumstances have pushed me ahead of schedule for this release of information.
Hardware suitability tests are long since complete for food printing, urban agriculture, and personal manufacturing. The purpose of which was to examine datatypes necessary for shared devo.
Previous implementations of the significant sharing algorithm has undergone three iterative testing phases, in an alternate context. To wit, a play-by-mail civilization simulator. But we trust it because it is Bayesian.
Once implemented, the software application will answer unbounded (limited only by unicode) user requests with peer created responses. These responses will in turn point to peer-created methods to satisfy those requests.
Peer created data will be shared in the background via a P2P network (JXTA) which will also serve as the backbone for a P2P barter network.
A scheduling function allows the same needs to be met with differing methods on a regular basis.
The “screensavers,” or animated content, run within the app and provide hard links into the request function to allow users to obtain or contribute to the technology depicted.
A variety of additional software modules and hardware projects fill out the project to enable it to comprise an economy.
Interesting! Let us know how it progresses.
Thank you.
So far, circumstances have pushed me ahead of schedule for this release of information.
Hardware suitability tests are long since complete for food printing, urban agriculture, and personal manufacturing. The purpose of which was to examine datatypes necessary for shared devo.
Previous implementations of the significant sharing algorithm has undergone three iterative testing phases, in an alternate context. To wit, a play-by-mail civilization simulator. But we trust it because it is Bayesian.