I’m not entirely clear on what you’re hoping to accomplish. Get more people reading this particular blog/forum? Get more people to think rationally in general? Yes to both?
I think you realize that this blog simply will not gain in popular appeal. The posts are too long, too complicated, fairly dry, very academic-sounding, and very connected to a complex series of other posts that require too much research and link following/retracing in order to puzzle out what one does not understand or with which one does not have much experience.
I think it might be more fruitful to focus on ways of introducing rationality in other venues, or sneaking it out there through other means, rather than trying to get more people to come here and read these posts.
No, it’s rationality itself I want to promote; this site is just part of that process.
What I want is for fallacies to be widely accepted. For example, I want people to be less scope insensitive. I think that improving the level of debate could improve democracy.
I suspect the purpose of this site to to attain a high S/N ratio. If you try to introduce rationality to other sites, what you inject there is generally diluted. So to attain a high S/N ratio, you need a site devoted to that purpose.
I’m not entirely clear on what you’re hoping to accomplish. Get more people reading this particular blog/forum? Get more people to think rationally in general? Yes to both?
I think you realize that this blog simply will not gain in popular appeal. The posts are too long, too complicated, fairly dry, very academic-sounding, and very connected to a complex series of other posts that require too much research and link following/retracing in order to puzzle out what one does not understand or with which one does not have much experience.
I think it might be more fruitful to focus on ways of introducing rationality in other venues, or sneaking it out there through other means, rather than trying to get more people to come here and read these posts.
No, it’s rationality itself I want to promote; this site is just part of that process.
What I want is for fallacies to be widely accepted. For example, I want people to be less scope insensitive. I think that improving the level of debate could improve democracy.
I suspect the purpose of this site to to attain a high S/N ratio. If you try to introduce rationality to other sites, what you inject there is generally diluted. So to attain a high S/N ratio, you need a site devoted to that purpose.