Luck, when it’s regular, it’s called skill. (Il culo, quando è sistematico, si chiama classe)
Nereo Rocco
(I tried a rough tranlsation, but it sounds way better in Italian)
I like this translation better than the version where it was translated to ‘class’. Good change. (Unless my memory is failing me...)
I modified the post after less than five minutes… are you spying on me? ;)Thank you, preserving the feeling, alongside the literal meaning, while translating in a foreign language can be surprisingly difficult (for me, at least).
Nereo Rocco
(I tried a rough tranlsation, but it sounds way better in Italian)
I like this translation better than the version where it was translated to ‘class’. Good change. (Unless my memory is failing me...)
I modified the post after less than five minutes… are you spying on me? ;)
Thank you, preserving the feeling, alongside the literal meaning, while translating in a foreign language can be surprisingly difficult (for me, at least).