Below you’ll find our standard copypasta advert blurb:
What is this “SSC meetup” thing? We have been meeting ~once a month to have an informal chat about any SSC-adjacent topics people want to talk about!
- If you are planning to come to the meetup: Please notify everyone on the email list (alternatively, directly at ). People telling that they are coming also encourages other people to come! It also helps if we know how many people are coming, but it isn’t *stricly* necessary. - Notice that planned meetup details (especially far in the future) may be subject to change. To keep up-to-date about any last-minute changes, subscribe to the email list. - Calendar says 18:00 because it’s a weekday (and people have jobs and stuff), but the organizer will try to arrive a little bit before 6 p.m.. - Duration: No set duration. Based on previous experience, the meetups tend to last for 2-3 hours (sometimes longer); as long as people want to stay. - We are still trying to figure out the best way to manage our communication. Any suggestions / feedback welcome (email: - You’ll find our blog at
Helsinki SSC (/etc) Meetup (tomorrow) 24 April 2018, 6 p.m.
(I kind of forgot that LW2.0 is the place where we should advertise these things.)
This is the regular monthly SSC(/LW/related) social get-together in Dubliner Kaivopiha. (It is … relatively okay … as far as bars go!)
More details: see our blog (at and ask your questions on the email list:
Below you’ll find our standard copypasta advert blurb: