Wear a nerdy tshirt. I will wear a nerdy tshirt. This is a surfer town, so anyone with math or philosophy on their tshirt is probably one of us. Mercadito is a small food court, but I’ll get as close to Asian Fusion sushi as possible, and may order some before we begin.
Tamarindo Costa Rica—ACX Meetups Everywhere Fall 2024
This year’s Fall ACX Meetup everywhere in Tamarindo.
Location: El Mercadito, near Asian Fusion Sushi – https://plus.codes/762P75X5+QMG
Wear a nerdy tshirt. I will wear a nerdy tshirt. This is a surfer town, so anyone with math or philosophy on their tshirt is probably one of us. Mercadito is a small food court, but I’ll get as close to Asian Fusion sushi as possible, and may order some before we begin.
Contact: pvspam-timeless-acx@hacklab.net