Feedback and. . . oops, it’s time to overthrow the organizers

The second part of this title is an exaggeration.

This is a two part meetup, and you’ll want a laptop or smartphone for both parts.

In part one, we’ll have a feedback form about how rationality meetups in Boston are going. If you want to ask the organizers to pick venues further south, or say you really liked the meetups based on the CFAR handbook, or anything else, here’s a great opportunity. Anyone interested can also set up anonymous forms to receive feedback on themselves; there’s a tool called https://​​​​ that’s used in the rationalist community and elsewhere for the purpose.

If there’s some burning question you have about Boston meetups- if you’re wondering whether everyone else likes the food we usually have, or if you’re curious if there’s interest in a meetup about music or a left-handed rationalists meetup, let me know and I can add it to the feedback form! The current version is here.

The second part of the meetup is about eliminating single points of failure for the group. We’re going to schedule a future rationalist meetup: and by we, I mean anyone who hasn’t run one in the last year. You can ask some of the existing organizers questions- I’ll be there where you can ask questions, as will hopefully a few other recent organizers, but we won’t do it ourselves.

This doesn’t mean I’m stepping away from running meetups in Boston! But the most common way for a meetup group to die is for the lynchpin organizers to get busy and stop doing it, and then nobody else knows how or is confident enough to step up. Consider this practice in case I get hit by a bus- and hey, we get an extra meetup out of it. (The title “oops it’s time to overthrow the organizers” is based on the fictional holiday from dath ilan.)

While we’re on the subject of meta details about meetups: Boston has a -
ACX https://​​​​boston-astral-codex-meetup/​​
ACX LessWrong Group: https://​​​​groups/​​xfenNi9uqer8Wyjg7
ACX Mailing List: https://​​​​g/​​ssc-boston
ACX Facebook: https://​​​​groups/​​1023018131571906
ACX Google Calendar: https://​​​​calendar/​​u/​​0?cid=N3RtY2d0OGQxMzZpdWt2Y3VrbWVlZWFjMDhAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
LW Discord: https://​​​​2N2ADpACkw
LW https://​​​​cambridge-less-wrong-meetup/​​
LW LessWrong Group: https://​​​​groups/​​HnrqwPvpX7TFtMwR9
An Extra LW LessWrong Group: https://​​​​groups/​​o7QDu7JaxYPJ4ginp
LW Mailing List:https://​​​​g/​​boston-lw
LW Facebook: https://​​​​groups/​​210721069282479
LW Google Calendar: https://​​​​calendar/​​u/​​0?cid=czRiNGJnMWhyNG9yNDluNDRuZmhzMXBuZGtAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

If you’re interested in EA, there’s also: https://​​​​