Helsinki Slate Star Codex Readers June Meetup (at the park)

  • [Open in Google Maps] [Open in local app]
  • 25 June 2019, 6:00 pm—10:00 pm
  • Hes­pe­ri­an­puisto, Man­ner­heimintie, Helsinki, Finland
  • Contact: @JoeNash on Tele­gram, or mes­sage the or­ga­niz­ers on

(As usual: We have a page at https://​​​​Helsinki-Slate-Star-Codex-Readers-Meetup/​​ , but all necessary info is included in this post. If you’re reading this post, you’re welcome to show up.)

This month we’ll meet outside at the park named Hesperianpuisto, which is on the western shore of Töölönlahti, as long as the weather is good.

EDIT: We have now moved to Restaurant Hook, near Ooppera.

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