Houston, Texas, USA – ACX Meetups Everywhere Spring 2023
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- 21 May 2023, 1:00 pm
- Houston, Texas, USA
- Contact: joe.brenton at yahoo
This year’s ACX Meetup everywhere in Houston, Texas, USA.
Location: 711 Milby St, Houston, TX 77023. Segundo Coffee Lab, inside the IRONWORKS through the big orange door, look for the ACX MEETUP sign at the entrance – https://plus.codes/76X6PMV6+V6
We have a growing ACX, LW, EA scene in Houston with weekly Social meetups, monthly EA-specific meetups, monthly gaming meetup and monthly Thought-Gym (short form presentations & discussion).. Join our Discord server (https://discord.gg/DzmEPAscpS) where we will post additional coordination details. You can also tag me in a message or DM me on the server (Joe Brenton#4719).
Contact: joe.brenton at yahoo
We have a private room reserved at the back of the IRONWORKS building
Maps of the IRONWORKS layout and parking location are on Discord https://discord.gg/DzmEPAscpS under the channel #acx-meetups-everywhere-may-21-2023
We will have food and drinks provided from vendors in the IRONWORKS