December Meetup: The Elusive Democracy

  • [Open in Google Maps] [Open in local app]
  • 7 December 2019, 11:30 am—2:00 pm
  • Chicago Ath­letic As­so­ci­a­tion Ho­tel, South Michi­gan Av­enue, Chicago, IL, USA
  • Contact:

** NEW TIME: 11:30am **

Chicago Athletic Association is a hotel, we meet in the bar area (whoever’s there first finds a good spot) on the 2nd floor.

TOPIC: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem

Thanks Noah for suggesting the following readings & podcast!
1. https://​​​​~cuff/​​voting/​​theory.html
2. https://​​​​commentary-analysis/​​voting-theory-podcast-2012-10-06-interview-with-nobel-laureate-dr-kenneth-arrow/​​
3. https://​​​​wiki/​​Arrow%27s_impossibility_theorem
4. https://​​​​wiki/​​Gibbard%E2%80%93Satterthwaite_theorem

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