You Have Now Subscribed To Bug Facts

Programming note: This meetup is taking place at a non-standard time (6:45) and location (Columbia Lake); plan accordingly!

This Thursday, we’ll be meeting at the Columbia Lake disc golf course. Bring water and bug spray and dress appropriately for getting real close to nature.

Meet by the cylindrical structure near “Columbia Lake Fire Pit 2” (same place as the disc golf skillshare meeting) at ~6:45; the group walk will start at 7:00. There isn’t great transit there, so organize a few carpools in the discord if that’s required.

Parking: Our meetup location is right beside a small gravel lot. It might be full; if it is, there are plenty of other parking lots nearby.


This week, we shall rekindle the childlike wonder of our youth, channeling the spirit of those halcyon grade school recesses when we, as nascent naturalists, spent the entire period following a cool looking beetle around in naive attempts to understand its umwelt. Yep, we’re just gonna find some bugs and follow them around, following our own curiousity.

That’s it, that’s the meetup. I sadly won’t be here, but we’ll have a regular who will supply us with the requisite bug facts, and the Vancouver organizer has gracefully agreed to nominally co-run the meetup. He’s just starting out with organizing so he can use the practice ;)


iNaturalist list of bugs seen at Columbia Lake (crowdsourced)

Quick Overview of the Orders of Insects (Beatriz Moisset, 2008)


Introduction to Insects (Penn State Insect Biodiversity Center, 2022)
this is a longer, more in depth guide to bugs. pg 1-7 for basic insect facts, pg8-22 for summaries of the various orders of insects

Introduction and Chapter 1 of Naturalist (E. O. Wilson, 1994)
just for vibes :)