If you don’t want to bother with meetup.com, that’s fine, you are welcome to show up just because you’re reading this post! Here is all the info you need:
Place: Dubliner Kaivopha, Helsinki Time: Tuesday 30.7.2019, 18:00 onwards How to recognize the group: Piece of paper that says “ssc” at the table.
Helsinki Slate Star Codex Readers July Meetup
See https://www.meetup.com/Helsinki-Slate-Star-Codex-Readers-Meetup/ for more information.
If you don’t want to bother with meetup.com, that’s fine, you are welcome to show up just because you’re reading this post! Here is all the info you need:
Place: Dubliner Kaivopha, Helsinki
Time: Tuesday 30.7.2019, 18:00 onwards
How to recognize the group: Piece of paper that says “ssc” at the table.