Rational thinking discussion in Tokyo

Hello everyone!

This is the first LessWrong-ish meetup in Tokyo (at least this year).

The meeting will be held in a discussion club format. That means—one of us (it would be me unless someone else is willing to) presents a quick report on a topic. Afterwards we have a chat about it. Topics are centered about:

- Human rationality (and improving our thinking in general)

- Cognitive science

- AI alignment, far future, transhumanism and relevant modern philosophy (More generally, intelligence in all its forms)

For this meetup, it will be:

- Introduction

- Presentation [ Epistemic and instrumental rationality, and what rationality is all about ]

- Discussion

/​short break/​

- Presentation [ Modelling thinking to fight procrastination ]

- Discussion

- 🍕 Pizza and games

Details are posted in a Meetup event: https://​​www.meetup.com/​​Rationality-and-Friendly-AI-in-Tokyo/​​events/​​255356851/​​

(the fragment of photo used there is from a gathering in Kocherga, Moscow: https://​​kocherga-club.ru/​​)

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