[Question] What are the Activities that make up your Research Process?

There are a bunch of activities that I engage in when doing research. These include but are not limited to:

  • Figuring out the best thing to do.

  • Talking out loud to force my ideas into language.

    • For the last 3 months I have been working maybe 50 hours per week by meeting with people and doing stream-of-thought reasoning. That was very productive. Probably in large part because of this.

    • Even when working alone I try to use this. The main thing that holds me back from using it all the time when working alone is that it can be quite awkward.

  • Recording myself explaining something, usually on a whiteboard. This is useful to check:

    • Check if my understanding is good enough yet to write a post.

    • Helps remove the awkwardness when talking to yourself (because you are not).

  • Trying to explain an idea on the whiteboard.

    • I mainly use whiteboards when I am still at the stage of being confused.

  • Writing pseudocode.

    • Similar to forcing yourself to explain something in natural language.

    • Notice where you are confused by not being able to express something.

  • Writing a concrete implementation we can run.

    • I rarely do this because it is so slow, probably because I have not acquired sufficient software engineering skills yet.

    • I expect that writing programs can be very useful for getting observations that you could not easily generate in your head. E.g. Mandelbrot did make plot fractals.

  • Writing down things that we have figured out on a whiteboard or any other process in rough notes.

  • Writing a distillation of the thing I have figured out, such that I can understand these notes 1 year from now.

  • Reflecting on how it went.

  • Writing public posts, that convey concepts to other people.

My main questions are:

  • What research processes do you use?

  • When do you use them?

  • What do you get out if it goes well?

Also, feel free to mention great posts about this. I am most interested in processes that you personally use on a regular basis.