I remember reading Nate Soares’ Replacing Guilt Series and identifying strongly with the feeling of Cold Resolve described there. I since tried a bit to give it some other words and describe it using familiar-er emotions, but nothing really good.
I think that Liget , an emotion found in an isolated tribe at the philippines, might describe a similar emotion (except the head-throwing part). I’m not sure that I can explain that better than the linked article.
Emotions and Effective Altruism
I remember reading Nate Soares’ Replacing Guilt Series and identifying strongly with the feeling of Cold Resolve described there. I since tried a bit to give it some other words and describe it using familiar-er emotions, but nothing really good.
I think that Liget , an emotion found in an isolated tribe at the philippines, might describe a similar emotion (except the head-throwing part). I’m not sure that I can explain that better than the linked article.