This is a pretty good summary of the research on daycare effectiveness. It is a Much More Than You Wanted To Know-style post from a science blogger criticalscience who has some interesting posts on Medium.
Adverse effects on children younger than three years old.
The effect is worse the younger the children are.
The effect is stronger for longer hours.
The effect is weakerCORRECTION: worse for children from socio-economically better-off families.
[Link] Childcare : what the science says
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This is a pretty good summary of the research on daycare effectiveness. It is a Much More Than You Wanted To Know-style post from a science blogger criticalscience who has some interesting posts on Medium.
Adverse effects on children younger than three years old.
The effect is worse the younger the children are.
The effect is stronger for longer hours.
The effect is
weakerCORRECTION: worse for children from socio-economically better-off families.Nannies are OK.
Childcare : what the science says