Last month, two people far at the periphery of my social circles have threatened suicide. Seems like a sign for me to learn some ledge-fu.
I reviewed the stuff I’d learned back in high school (“Listen.” “Be supportive.” “Don’t argue.” “Etc etc etc.”) I have trouble believing that this would work outside of movieland, especially on strangers. More so, in person I’m an awkward, fidgeting introvert—the impact of everything I say is thus diminished, and I sound very insincere or clinical, like I’m following a bad movie script, when I say anything like, “You are not alone in this. I’m here for you.” or “How can I best support you right now?” I doubt that this would sound any better in writing.
I suppose I could split my question into two related ones: what would you say to a person threatening to commit suicide, 1. in person, and 2. in an email?
I’m looking for out-of-the-box ideas that don’t rely on charisma or compassion shining through. Personally, if I ever need to talk myself out of suicidal thoughts, I apply the “bum comparison principle”: if my life is so crummy that I’m willing to commit suicide, then I should be willing to just walk out on everything I value and drift off in a random direction, survive by dine-and-dashing out of cheap restaurants and wash dishes if I get caught, maybe take odd jobs or hitchhike or gather roots and berries or blog from public libraries. I don’t see this possibility in a negative light, and yet I still haven’t done it. To me, it means that however bad my life may seem, I’m still too attached to it to walk out; therefore, suicide isn’t on the menu.
People have different reasons to want suicide, and I understand that what works for me with my first world problems probably won’t work for a person who is in too much physical pain from an incurable disease. To the best of my knowledge, the two people I mentioned earlier are both unskilled laborers who had lost their jobs, one of them so long ago that he’s no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. I don’t think I’ll meet these particular people again, but I’d appreciate everyone’s thoughts on what I could’ve said if my brain hadn’t frozen.
How would you talk a stranger off the ledge?
Last month, two people far at the periphery of my social circles have threatened suicide. Seems like a sign for me to learn some ledge-fu.
I reviewed the stuff I’d learned back in high school (“Listen.” “Be supportive.” “Don’t argue.” “Etc etc etc.”) I have trouble believing that this would work outside of movieland, especially on strangers. More so, in person I’m an awkward, fidgeting introvert—the impact of everything I say is thus diminished, and I sound very insincere or clinical, like I’m following a bad movie script, when I say anything like, “You are not alone in this. I’m here for you.” or “How can I best support you right now?” I doubt that this would sound any better in writing.
I suppose I could split my question into two related ones: what would you say to a person threatening to commit suicide, 1. in person, and 2. in an email?
I’m looking for out-of-the-box ideas that don’t rely on charisma or compassion shining through. Personally, if I ever need to talk myself out of suicidal thoughts, I apply the “bum comparison principle”: if my life is so crummy that I’m willing to commit suicide, then I should be willing to just walk out on everything I value and drift off in a random direction, survive by dine-and-dashing out of cheap restaurants and wash dishes if I get caught, maybe take odd jobs or hitchhike or gather roots and berries or blog from public libraries. I don’t see this possibility in a negative light, and yet I still haven’t done it. To me, it means that however bad my life may seem, I’m still too attached to it to walk out; therefore, suicide isn’t on the menu.
People have different reasons to want suicide, and I understand that what works for me with my first world problems probably won’t work for a person who is in too much physical pain from an incurable disease. To the best of my knowledge, the two people I mentioned earlier are both unskilled laborers who had lost their jobs, one of them so long ago that he’s no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. I don’t think I’ll meet these particular people again, but I’d appreciate everyone’s thoughts on what I could’ve said if my brain hadn’t frozen.