[Question] A Different Perspective on Rationality—Would This Be Valuable?

Hello Less Wrong community!

My path to rationality has been somewhat unconventional. I was a teacher, firefighter, and military officer in Brazil, where each “oops!” in teaching and learning led me to search for deeper answers.

Neuroscience was my first stop, but it wasn’t enough. The search led me to probabilities and information systems, and eventually I discovered Less Wrong. I devoured “Rationality from A to Z” and other brilliant texts from the community that changed my perspective.

However, being older now, advanced mathematics and formal probabilities remain challenging. Instead of letting this stop me, I decided to explore a different way: writing texts that combine humor with rationality insights, making these concepts more accessible and stimulating.

I’ve been working on an experiment: dialogues exploring the tension between systematic thinking and intuitive wisdom, using humor as a bridge between both worlds. The format follows two characters:

  • X: representing systematic, data-driven thinking

  • Y: embodying millennia of accumulated intuitive knowledge

Before developing this further, I’d love to know: would this kind of approach be interesting or valuable to the community? I have a sample dialogue ready to share if there’s interest.

I appreciate any thoughts or feedback you might have!

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