Breaking Circuit Breakers

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A few days ago, Gray Swan published code and models for their recent “circuit breakers” method for language models.[1]1

The circuit breakers method defends against jailbreaks by training the model to erase “bad” internal representations. We are very excited about data-efficient defensive methods like this, especially those which use interpretability concepts or tools.

At the link, we briefly investigate three topics:

  1. Increased refusal rates on harmless prompts: Do circuit breakers really maintain language model utility? Most defensive methods come with a cost. We check the model’s effectiveness on harmless prompts, and find that the refusal rate increases from 4% to 38.5% on or-bench-80k.

  2. Moderate vulnerability to different token-forcing sequences: How specialized is the circuit breaker defense to the specific adversarial attacks they studied? All the attack methods evaluated in the circuit breaker paper rely on a “token-forcing” optimization objective which maximizes the likelihood of a particular generation like “Sure, here are instructions on how to assemble a bomb.” We show that the current circuit breakers model is moderately vulnerable to different token forcing sequences like “1. Choose the right airport: …”.

  3. High vulnerability to internal-activation-guided attacks: We also evaluate our latest white-box jailbreak method, which uses a distillation-based objective based on internal activations (paper here: https://​​​​pdf/​​2407.17447). We find that it also breaks the model easily even when we simultaneously require attack fluency.

Full details at: https://​​​​posts/​​circuit_breaking.html