This is a post about the American Psychological Association’s recent guidelines to treating men and boys. This post is not the bloodless academic assessment of those guidelines I would write on LessWrong, which is why it’s a link post. This is a condemnation of those guidelines as an ideologically twisted exercise in science denial, pathologizing an entire gender for the purpose of getting more people to pay for psychologists that will cure them of stoicism, competitiveness, achievement, and masculinity writ large. I recommend not reading the post if you’re sick culture war stuff, or if you’re a man expecting psychologists and therapists to help you.
I see your post and your condemnation as somewhat one-sided. I am an older cis white male who is not a fan of SJW, radfem and double standards in any areas, I cannot help but notice that your reading of the guidelines is skewed by your personal views and prejudices. Let’s look at the analysis of the guidelines that you linked to, by Stephanie Pappas, rather than at your interpretation of them. Here are some quotes and comments. The guidelines themselves are here.
This seems like a statement of facts not at all unsympathetic to men’s struggles.
I hate when people use the notion of patriarchy to invalidate personal experiences of men, and there are plenty of other forces, at least in the West, that make life harder for men that feminism tends to discount, the above statement, if corrected to read “Though many men benefit from patriarchy, many are also impinged upon by patriarchy,” would match the experiences of most people. One ought to avoid the sweeping statements like “you are a cis white male, therefore you are automatically the beneficial of “patriarchy” and are complicit in the structural oppression of women”, but treat each person’s experiences individually, while being aware of the general trends, of course.
This is not an unreasonable assessment of the pre-feminist state of affairs.
Not sure why anyone would argue with that.
All of the above matches my personal experiences and has no hint of “science denial.”
I see this as raising alarms about men’s psychological health, which is quite timely, especially in the face of pervasive invalidation of men’s struggles in the media.
Again, seems like a reasonable description of the reality, doesn’t it?
The post also acknowledge that the male/female dichotomy is outdated and recognize the rich spectrum of gender identification:
Pappas then talks about the struggles of gender-nonconforming people, especially those that the society pigeonholes as males, and concludes the topic with
Again, the emphasis is on better understanding, something I can only cheer for.
Next the l talk about how to better help those who “would never dream of seeking mental health treatment”. Sadly, this is where they are the weakest:
This is painting men with an overly wide brush and succumbing to the stereotypes. While some men certainly fit the above description, the situation is far from universal, at least in the modern Western societies. Some statements are more reasonable:
They encourage the mental health professionals to look past the veneer:
The “Supporting the positive” section is a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand it starts with “important to encourage pro-social aspects of masculinity,” on the other, they attribute the largely gender- neutral traits like self-sacrifice and stoicism to mainly men. Men should “discard the harmful ideologies of traditional masculinity (violence, sexism) and find flexibility in the potentially positive aspects (courage, leadership)” seems a bit overly gender normative, and not very reflective of the realities.
Pappas then backtracks and says that
This is as moderate and reasonable a position as one can hope. I don’t like the concluding sentence, though,
mostly because it specifically targets men. If phrased as “supporting everyone, including men, in breaking free of gender rules that don’t help them...” I would have no problem with it.
It’s general the role of a clinician to accept they client as they are and focus the intervention on changing those psychological issues that are the mutual agreed goal of the therapy.
The phrase while fighting against homophobia, transphobia, racial bias and other types of discrimination gives to me the impression that the text advocates for clinicians to engage in fights that are beyond their clinical mandate.
That’s a pretty ironic sentence, given that the link doesn’t go to the APA’s new Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Menbut to an article about them. Before charging other people with science denialism it would be helpful to understand what a guideline happens to be.
Come on, man. I link to the source that I think would be most relevant for my readers to understand the following discussion. In this case, it’s the official APA release on the APA website describing the APA guidelines, it’s not like I was linking to some third party account. As for the PDF with the guidelines themselves, I link to it at least twice in my post and it is linked from the release as well.