I’m collecting my findings in a bunch of ageing-related systems. These consist of a bunch of networks with arrows pointing to things. What’s making it difficult is the lack of a software to do this in. (Would need to have a system of nodes, directed arrows and those flat-headed arrows, and be reasonably user-friendly) Anyone use something like this themselves?
[Question] Good software to draw and manipulate causal networks?
I don’t know about drawing, but the inference problem is one of the things probabilistic programming languages (like Church or PyMC) are designed to solve—I wonder if anyone’s tried to automate the generation of a diagram from a probabilistic model.
Maybe try yEd? https://www.yworks.com/products/yed
Two things I’ve come across. Haven’t used either much, but figured I’d mention them:
https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/ (This one is more of a markdown-style syntax than a drawing tool, but I’ve linked to the live editor)