That draft would be interesting to see completed, and it may help me see what UDT brings to the table. I find the idea of helping future me and other people in my world far more compelling than the idea of helping mes that don’t exist in my world- and so if I can come to the conclusion “stand up to bullies at high personal cost because doing so benefits you and others in the medium and long term,” I don’t see a need for nonexistent mes, and if I don’t think it’s worth it on the previously stated grounds, I don’t see the consideration of nonexistent mes changing my mind.
Again, that can be a potent visualization technique, by imagining a host of situations to move away from casuistry towards principles or to increase your weighting of your future circumstances or other’s circumstances. I’m not clear on how a good visualization technique makes for an ideal, though.
That draft would be interesting to see completed, and it may help me see what UDT brings to the table. I find the idea of helping future me and other people in my world far more compelling than the idea of helping mes that don’t exist in my world- and so if I can come to the conclusion “stand up to bullies at high personal cost because doing so benefits you and others in the medium and long term,” I don’t see a need for nonexistent mes, and if I don’t think it’s worth it on the previously stated grounds, I don’t see the consideration of nonexistent mes changing my mind.
Again, that can be a potent visualization technique, by imagining a host of situations to move away from casuistry towards principles or to increase your weighting of your future circumstances or other’s circumstances. I’m not clear on how a good visualization technique makes for an ideal, though.