Imagine you have 10 sensors measuring different things. The environment (including things you can affect) permutes their values over time. Let’s say they operate like thermometers and you’re trying to keep them within specified ranges. If the sensors are trinary (too low, too high, just right) you already have 59,049 states to navigate in your tradeoff space. The higher the resolution the sensors the faster the combinatoric explosion. So a small number of parameters leads to a very complex seeming situation.
Imagine you have 10 sensors measuring different things. The environment (including things you can affect) permutes their values over time. Let’s say they operate like thermometers and you’re trying to keep them within specified ranges. If the sensors are trinary (too low, too high, just right) you already have 59,049 states to navigate in your tradeoff space. The higher the resolution the sensors the faster the combinatoric explosion. So a small number of parameters leads to a very complex seeming situation.