As one of their questions Reporters without Borders asks for their World Press Freedom Index among others:
Do public media outlets cover all political views?*
Does the law provide mechanisms to guarantee pluralism and editorial independence?*
Do public media outlets ever ignore sensitive information regarding the government or administration that is covered by private media?*
Is the pluralism of opinions of people in the country reflected in the media?*
Part of the case of the EU against Hungary is that its press is largely government-controlled or controlled by supporters of the government. Voices critical of the government have a lower share of the public attention. Philanthropically funded journalism that intends to provide critical media gets attacked as being funded by Soros and intended to manipulate the Hungarian people.
COVID-19 showed that there are similar dynamics in the United States and other European states where voices that are critical of the regime have a hard time being published . The fighting critical content for being Russian disinformation and Hungarian strategy of fighting critical voices for being influenced by Soros follows similar dynamics where outside influence is overblown and the narrative allows for acting against critical voices.
While some national governments have state media, the EU currently doesn’t have its own media outlet. Given the EU perspective of the problems in Hungary, funding critical journalism would be a good intervention. If the EU would start its own media, there’s the question of media governance. How could EU-funded public media be governed so that it will represent voices from the full pluralism of opinions of people?
[Question] How would public media outlets need to be governed to cover all political views?
As one of their questions Reporters without Borders asks for their World Press Freedom Index among others:
Part of the case of the EU against Hungary is that its press is largely government-controlled or controlled by supporters of the government. Voices critical of the government have a lower share of the public attention. Philanthropically funded journalism that intends to provide critical media gets attacked as being funded by Soros and intended to manipulate the Hungarian people.
COVID-19 showed that there are similar dynamics in the United States and other European states where voices that are critical of the regime have a hard time being published . The fighting critical content for being Russian disinformation and Hungarian strategy of fighting critical voices for being influenced by Soros follows similar dynamics where outside influence is overblown and the narrative allows for acting against critical voices.
While some national governments have state media, the EU currently doesn’t have its own media outlet. Given the EU perspective of the problems in Hungary, funding critical journalism would be a good intervention. If the EU would start its own media, there’s the question of media governance. How could EU-funded public media be governed so that it will represent voices from the full pluralism of opinions of people?