Am I missing something about Grimes that warrants them getting 4 mentions in this post? Why should I care what Grimes in particular has to say about any of this (as opposed to someone like Geoff Hinton on the other extreme)?
I mean, Snoop Dogg is an interesting mention because in some ways his experience is a yardstick for how far these concepts are penetrating into mainstream society. But Grimes? Why Grimes?
I mean, usually not Grimes, in this case the people I monitor were talking about her, and she is doing some interesting things (e.g. the AI voice thing) and it happened to take place four times in a week. She’s a person, actually trying and thinking things, in addition to seeking attention and… we don’t have as many people as we’d like.
Am I missing something about Grimes that warrants them getting 4 mentions in this post? Why should I care what Grimes in particular has to say about any of this (as opposed to someone like Geoff Hinton on the other extreme)?
I mean, Snoop Dogg is an interesting mention because in some ways his experience is a yardstick for how far these concepts are penetrating into mainstream society. But Grimes? Why Grimes?
I mean, usually not Grimes, in this case the people I monitor were talking about her, and she is doing some interesting things (e.g. the AI voice thing) and it happened to take place four times in a week. She’s a person, actually trying and thinking things, in addition to seeking attention and… we don’t have as many people as we’d like.
Thank you for replying!
she’s good at powerseeking and keeps showing up in important places I guess
This is a good answer for why she keeps showing up elsewhere. I’m asking why here, in these updates? I suppose I’m asking @Zvi this question directly.