Your reading may be the intended one; we’ll have to await jimrandomh’s clarification. Meanwhile, the following paragraph is what led me to believe that jimrandomh is not actually proposing a change in topic policy:
Less Wrong does not currently provide strong guidance about what is considered on topic. In fact, Less Wrong generally considers topic to be secondary to importance and clarity, and this is as it should be. However, this should be formally acknowledged, so that people are not discouraged from posting important things just because they think they might be off topic! Determining whether something is on topic is a trivial inconvenience of the worst sort.
The posting policies of Less Wrong are effectively determined by up- and downvoting and by commenting, which means that everyone can have their own ideas about what those policies are. Whether my proposal agrees with the current policy or not depends on what you think the current policy is, and that’s unclear. My intention is to clarify it in the way I think gives the highest utility. I don’t think it substantially disagrees with the policies currently enforced as indicated by voting.
Your reading may be the intended one; we’ll have to await jimrandomh’s clarification. Meanwhile, the following paragraph is what led me to believe that jimrandomh is not actually proposing a change in topic policy:
The posting policies of Less Wrong are effectively determined by up- and downvoting and by commenting, which means that everyone can have their own ideas about what those policies are. Whether my proposal agrees with the current policy or not depends on what you think the current policy is, and that’s unclear. My intention is to clarify it in the way I think gives the highest utility. I don’t think it substantially disagrees with the policies currently enforced as indicated by voting.