As long as their child is not named Albus Severus...
In this story, it seems a lot more likely to be Quirinus Tom Potter-Evans-Verres-Granger.
I’d feel sorry for that kid. But considering the genes and upbringing he’d have, I’m suddenly too busy feeling sorry for everyone else.
Not to mention being the son of the person who became God/FHI.
God/Future of Humanity Institute?
God/Friendly Human (super)Intelligence
I read it as Friendly Human Intelligence.
As long as their child is not named Albus Severus...
In this story, it seems a lot more likely to be Quirinus Tom Potter-Evans-Verres-Granger.
I’d feel sorry for that kid. But considering the genes and upbringing he’d have, I’m suddenly too busy feeling sorry for everyone else.
Not to mention being the son of the person who became God/FHI.
God/Future of Humanity Institute?
God/Friendly Human (super)Intelligence
I read it as Friendly Human Intelligence.