I think people acquire a belief that a post or comment of a certain felt quality deserves a rough number of upvotes or downvotes, so they don’t add or subtract karma when the post or comment hits that level.
Sounds familiar and could indeed explain why some posts do not continue to accumulate votes after some time.
Let’s check:
I think a post deserves a certain number of votes/karma and up/downvote accordingly[pollid:939]
I generally don’t care what level a post is at if I’m going to upvote it, but when I see something has a negative core that I think is unfair, I’ll bump it up by one.
Sounds familiar and could indeed explain why some posts do not continue to accumulate votes after some time.
Let’s check:
I think a post deserves a certain number of votes/karma and up/downvote accordingly[pollid:939]
I generally don’t care what level a post is at if I’m going to upvote it, but when I see something has a negative core that I think is unfair, I’ll bump it up by one.