I think that health care is a great thing, but not a right. I see rights as something other people can’t take away from you. You have a right to live, but another person has a right to not be forced to help you to live or ask to make money off of it. If most people want it a certain way, I don’t have a problem with them changing it.
I prefer to deal with interesting people. I meet a lot of people who think they are interesting because they are smart but they don’t really have much to offer to a conversation. I’d prefer a less smart person that has driven a motorcycle across the country than a smart person ho makes all A’s and reads all the time.
I’ve thought about how big the universe is, but I can’t really grasp it. Most people have problems with sizes they don’t have to deal with. It’s hard for me to really grasp the size of Jupiter. I know I can say it’s X many Earths in size, but I still can’t really picture it.
From the passage you quoted… He does use much shorter, simpler sentences than most things I read (besides instant messaging), but his spelling, punctuation and capitalization are correct, which is not something you’d usually see in (say) YouTube comments. Maybe he has a copy-editor or something?
Maybe he learned to read and write. Of course, on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog, or a smart person pretending to be dim, but I don’t find this level of articulacy inconsistent with him being exactly what he says. I haven’t read much of that thread yet, but I’m now curious to know his life history.
85 is really not that low. It’s an entire standard deviation above the usual threshold for diagnosis of intellectual disability. It puts the guy in the 16th percentile. I would not expect that person, who as he says has gone to college and done well there, to have issues writing coherent sentences.
IMHO the guy is super articulate and rational for someone who’s got an IQ of 85. See his user page for everything he writes:
From the passage you quoted… He does use much shorter, simpler sentences than most things I read (besides instant messaging), but his spelling, punctuation and capitalization are correct, which is not something you’d usually see in (say) YouTube comments. Maybe he has a copy-editor or something?
Maybe he learned to read and write. Of course, on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog, or a smart person pretending to be dim, but I don’t find this level of articulacy inconsistent with him being exactly what he says. I haven’t read much of that thread yet, but I’m now curious to know his life history.
85 is really not that low. It’s an entire standard deviation above the usual threshold for diagnosis of intellectual disability. It puts the guy in the 16th percentile. I would not expect that person, who as he says has gone to college and done well there, to have issues writing coherent sentences.