Thoughts on becoming more organized

It seems to me that the rationality movement is doing a sub-optimal job at proliferating. I have seen on multiple occasions posts which suggest that LessWrong is in decline. I think that this has a lot to do with organization, and by organization I mean the effectiveness with which a group of people obtains its goals. I believe that rationality has a more populist message, and I would like to see it refined and spread. I have a collection of my thoughts https://​​​​folderview?id=0B9BZfCmYSqm-TTlfRW1hMVJ5VnM&usp=sharing, with the more concise and up to date summary of my suggestions https://​​​​document/​​d/​​1I-T-jiuhHr951FUHZ6q-KUW4oK-GHCjF9bVGr2dwR1M/​​edit?usp=sharing. I have not developed these ideas to the point where I am strongly attached to them. What I would like to do for now is to create three monthly discussion groups.

The first is based on instrumental rationality, and I’d like to call it Success Club. For this group I would like to use [Alex Vermeer’s 8760 hours guide](http://​​​​8760hours/​​) as a basis. If you want to join this group, I would suggest you be open minded and able to deal with other people’s sensitive issues. This will work as a support group, and if you can’t keep confidentiality you won’t be able to be a member. The second group is based on more general or epistemic rationality. I would use the sequences as a basis, but if any CFAR alums have better suggestions I would welcome them. The third group is a meta group, discussing the movement as a whole and how to make it more effective. I would like to start by discussing the ideas in the google drive folder that I shared and move from there.

If anyone is interested in any of these groups, please send me a PM with a little about yourself and which group(s) you’d be interested in joining.

Edit: Could someone explain why I’ve been downvoted? Judging by the way the karma is proportioned I’m getting a good number of positive and negative reactions but not a whole lot in the way of feedback.