Anki decks of Less Wrong content have been shared here before. However, they felt a bit huge (one deck was >1500 cards) and/or not helpful to me. As I go through the sequences, I create Anki cards, and I’ve decided they are at a point where I can share them. Maybe someone else will benefit from them.
Current content: The deck currently consists of 186 Anki cards (82 Q&A, 104 cloze deletion), covering the following Less Wrong sequences: The Map and the Territory, Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions, How to Actually Change Your Mind, A Human’s Guide to Words, and Reductionism. All cards contain an extra field for their source, usually 1-2 Less Wrong posts, rarely a link to Wikipedia. Some mathy cards use LaTeX. I don’t know what happens if you don’t have LateX installed. Though if this is a problem, I think I can convert the LaTeX code to images with an Anki plugin.
Important caveats:
My cards tend to have more context than those I’ve seen in most other decks, to the point that one might consider them overloaded with information. That’s partly due to personal preference, and partly because I need as much context as possible so I memorize more than just a teacher’s password.
In contrast to previously shared Anki decks of Less Wrong content, I do not aim to make this deck comprehensive. Rather, I create cards for content which I understood and which seems suitable for memorization and which seemed particularly useful to me. Conversely, I did not create cards when I couldn’t think of a way to memorize something, or when I did not understand (the usefulness of) something. (For instance, Original Seeing and Priming and Contamination did not work for me.)
I’ve tried a few shared decks so far, and everybody seems to create cards differently. So I’m not sure to which extent this deck can be useful to anyone who isn’t me.
Open question: I’m still not sure to which extent I’m memorizing internalized and understood knowledge with these cards, and to which extent they are just fake explanations or attempts to guess at passwords.
And a final disclaimer: The content is mostly taken verbatim from Yudkowsky’s sequences, though I’ve often edited the text so it fit better as an Anki card. I checked the cards thoroughly before making the deck public, but any remaining errors are mine.
Another Anki deck for Less Wrong content
Anki decks of Less Wrong content have been shared here before. However, they felt a bit huge (one deck was >1500 cards) and/or not helpful to me. As I go through the sequences, I create Anki cards, and I’ve decided they are at a point where I can share them. Maybe someone else will benefit from them.
Current content: The deck currently consists of 186 Anki cards (82 Q&A, 104 cloze deletion), covering the following Less Wrong sequences: The Map and the Territory, Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions, How to Actually Change Your Mind, A Human’s Guide to Words, and Reductionism.
All cards contain an extra field for their source, usually 1-2 Less Wrong posts, rarely a link to Wikipedia. Some mathy cards use LaTeX. I don’t know what happens if you don’t have LateX installed. Though if this is a problem, I think I can convert the LaTeX code to images with an Anki plugin.
Important caveats:
My cards tend to have more context than those I’ve seen in most other decks, to the point that one might consider them overloaded with information. That’s partly due to personal preference, and partly because I need as much context as possible so I memorize more than just a teacher’s password.
In contrast to previously shared Anki decks of Less Wrong content, I do not aim to make this deck comprehensive. Rather, I create cards for content which I understood and which seems suitable for memorization and which seemed particularly useful to me. Conversely, I did not create cards when I couldn’t think of a way to memorize something, or when I did not understand (the usefulness of) something. (For instance, Original Seeing and Priming and Contamination did not work for me.)
I’ve tried a few shared decks so far, and everybody seems to create cards differently. So I’m not sure to which extent this deck can be useful to anyone who isn’t me.
Open question: I’m still not sure to which extent I’m memorizing internalized and understood knowledge with these cards, and to which extent they are just fake explanations or attempts to guess at passwords.
And a final disclaimer: The content is mostly taken verbatim from Yudkowsky’s sequences, though I’ve often edited the text so it fit better as an Anki card. I checked the cards thoroughly before making the deck public, but any remaining errors are mine.
I’m thankful for suggestions and other feedback.