Here are all the letters of the (English) alphabet: hrtmbvyxfoiazkpnqldjucsweg
Is the order (pseudo-)random? Does it have a hidden meaning I might not be aware of? What’s your purpose sharing this?
Yes, the order is random. No. To see whether it gets voted down (or up, but that would be surprising.)
I quality-downvoted it for being silly, but agree-upvoted it because AFAICT that string does indeed contain all the (lowercase) letters of the English alphabet.
Here are all the letters of the (English) alphabet: hrtmbvyxfoiazkpnqldjucsweg
Is the order (pseudo-)random? Does it have a hidden meaning I might not be aware of? What’s your purpose sharing this?
Yes, the order is random. No. To see whether it gets voted down (or up, but that would be surprising.)
I quality-downvoted it for being silly, but agree-upvoted it because AFAICT that string does indeed contain all the (lowercase) letters of the English alphabet.