[Question] LW resources on childhood experiences?

Does LW have a curated or tagged set of resources on childhood experiences including “trauma”? Personally I’m interested in perspectives from developing world countries (I belong to one), but I’m totally interested in different people coming at this topic from different angles.

I know Yudkowsky has written about his experience for example, so have a couple of other people, but I’m curious if there’s a well-organised list or tag or similar.

Reasons to study this on lesswrong should be obvious but I’ll list some of the main ones out:

  1. Social dark matter—rest of society will study it poorly by default. LW members are sometimes privileged enough and brave enough to discuss such things on the internet, which has vast audience.

  2. Good decision-making, managing motivation and executive function, etc—requires discussing pyschology, which often requires discussing childhood experiences.

  3. Deconfusing your core values - requires discussing psychology, which often requires discussing childhood experiences.

  4. Coordination—improving human coordination requires understanding each other’s core psychological differences and being able to find ways to bridge past them.

  5. Fans—some people love the idea of solving childhood trauma. An idea that has people who love rather than just like it, is more likely to be worth discussing. Examples: [1] [2]