Meetup : Tel Aviv Meetup: Choosing research topics

Discussion article for the meetup : Tel Aviv Meetup: Choosing research topics

WHEN: 26 June 2014 11:31:12AM (+0300)

WHERE: Gibor Sport House, 15th Floor, 7 Menachem Begin St., Ramat-Gan.

(This is a duplicate generated by a bug. Now trying to resolve the bug. See meeting notice at http://​​​​meetups/​​11p)

At the next LessWrong meeting, on Thursday, June 26 at 19:00, we’ll prepare for an upcoming MIRIx session. We will hear short talks on open problems in FAI and choose some problems to tackle.

VisionMap has kindly agreed to host us: Gibor Sport House, 15th Floor, 7 Menachem Begin St., Ramat-Gan.

If you can’t find us, call Vadim Kosoy at 0542600919 or me at 0545691165.

Discussion article for the meetup : Tel Aviv Meetup: Choosing research topics