“If you genuinely believe that facts and logic don’t work on people, you shouldn’t be writing articles with potential solutions”—I have seen people claiming things like “science/logic is only natural for people with schizoid tendencies and utterly unnatural for others”. Given that “people with schizoid tendencies” (or whatever the right denominator) may be as much of a tribe dark-matter-like split from the rest of the world as your Red/Blue/Grey tribes you may get an illusion that people are generally convincible, whereas in reality it may well be just a feature of your own tribe.
And then the articles about people unconvincible by logic are written for the tribe’s members as a guide to deal with the outsiders.
“If you genuinely believe that facts and logic don’t work on people, you shouldn’t be writing articles with potential solutions”—I have seen people claiming things like “science/logic is only natural for people with schizoid tendencies and utterly unnatural for others”. Given that “people with schizoid tendencies” (or whatever the right denominator) may be as much of a tribe dark-matter-like split from the rest of the world as your Red/Blue/Grey tribes you may get an illusion that people are generally convincible, whereas in reality it may well be just a feature of your own tribe.
And then the articles about people unconvincible by logic are written for the tribe’s members as a guide to deal with the outsiders.