I don’t know if this is the LW hug or something but I’m having trouble downloading the xls. Also, will update with what the crap my passphrase actually means, because it’s in Lojban and mildly entertaining IIRC.
EDIT: Felt like looking at some other entertaining passphrases. Included with comment.
sruta’ulor maftitnab {mine! scarf-fox magic-cakes!(probably that kind)}
I don’t know if this is the LW hug or something but I’m having trouble downloading the xls. Also, will update with what the crap my passphrase actually means, because it’s in Lojban and mildly entertaining IIRC.
EDIT: Felt like looking at some other entertaining passphrases. Included with comment.
sruta’ulor maftitnab {mine! scarf-fox magic-cakes!(probably that kind)}
Afgani-san Azerbai-chan {there… are no words}
do mlatu {a fellow lojbanist!}
lalxu daplu {and another?}
telephone fonxa {and another! please get in contact with me. please.}
xagfu’a rodo {indeed! but where are all you people coming from, and why don’t I know you?}
eponymous haha_nice_try_CHEATER {clever.}
fart butt {I am twelve...}
FROGPENIS SPOOBOMB {… and so is a lot of LW.}
goat felching {good heavens}
I don’t want the prize! Pick someone else please!
I dont care about the MONETARY REWARD but you shoudl know that
Irefuse myprize
No thanks
not interested
{a lot of refusers!}
I’m gay
john lampkin (note: this is not my name)
lookatme iwonmoney {nice try guy}
mencius suckedmoziwasbetter
mimsy borogoves {repeated!}
TWO WORD {repeated, and try harder next time}
octothorpe interrobang
SOYUZ NERUSHIMIY {ONWARD, COMRADE(note: person is apparently a social democrat.)}
thisissuspiciouslylike askingforourpasswordmethodologies {I should think not.}
zoodlybop zimzamzoom {OH MY GODS BILL COSBY IS A LESSWRONGER.}
Actual translation: INDESTRUCTIBLE UNION
(It’s from the national anthem of the U.S.S.R.)
I know that. I was commenting that the LWer was apparently not a Communist as one might expect, which I found slightly funny.
The following passphrases were repeated (two occurances each, the only entry that occured more than twice was the blank one):
Bagel bites
EFFulgent shackles
Kissing bobbies
mimsy borogoves
If we go case-insensitive, there was also ‘No thanks’ and ‘no thanks’; and ‘TWO WORD’ and ‘Two Word’.
(The first three of those came next to each other, so they were probably just multiple entries.)
It is a datapoint that only one person apparently took up the offer of SQUEAMISH OSSIFRAGE
Possibly two; there’s no guarantee the person who originally suggested it actually used it.
I, on the other hand, am one of those two. The humor appealed to me.
I agree. This was clearly the object of furious guessing and second-guessing. :V
Yes, and this was why I did not include them.
You missed lalxu daplu.
So I did! Edited.