If Harry knew to round up the millionths place in the decimal expression of pi when rounded to the millionths place, he would know pi out to the ten millionths place,
One doesn’t need to remember what the digit past the rounded one is in order to memorize the rounded figure.
The original text remains correct.
Did I say that the text was incorrect? I’m 99.999% sure I didn’t, but looking back . . . no, still looks like I didn’t. All I said was that I was annoyed, and what I think Harry should have memorized instead.
One doesn’t need to remember what the digit past the rounded one is in order to memorize the rounded figure.
Did I say that the text was incorrect? I’m 99.999% sure I didn’t, but looking back . . . no, still looks like I didn’t. All I said was that I was annoyed, and what I think Harry should have memorized instead.