Writing style wise, did you make an outline before writing this? This particular post could have benefited from one, I think. Or maybe just some pruning.
Also, a style that I like that’s common on the internet is to try to break up large paragraphs with simple structure (e.g. “and” structure) into two or three smaller pieces. This way your large paragraphs with complex structure are not just part of a wall of text, but are surrounded by variety that makes reading easier.
Writing style wise, did you make an outline before writing this? This particular post could have benefited from one, I think. Or maybe just some pruning.
Also, a style that I like that’s common on the internet is to try to break up large paragraphs with simple structure (e.g. “and” structure) into two or three smaller pieces. This way your large paragraphs with complex structure are not just part of a wall of text, but are surrounded by variety that makes reading easier.