The Cambridge and DC groups happened to be simultaneously considering a trip to visit the world-famous NYC group. After a bit of coordination, we are proud to announce the East Coast Super Fun Rationalists Sleepover Party Extravaganza!
The general plan is to arrive on the afternoon of the 9th, and leave on the (late) morning of the 10th. This is still in the planning stages, so the schedule, accommodations, etc. are still being worked out.
If you’re in the Cambridge or DC groups (and have RSVPed), these are being worked out for you, otherwise, either assume you have to work this out on your own, or send me a PM with your email address. You’ll probably have to find your own transportation, but I can help with suggestions.
If a lot of people not attached to groups come, it would be great if someone stepped up to coordinate those people.
If you’re in a group (Toronto?) and think your group might be interested in attending, please send me a PM with your email address.
Saturday 2 PM: Cambridge and DC groups arrive 3 PM: Lunch 5 − 11 PM: Large event 11 - ?: Miscellaneous Hanging out
Sunday Lunch 12ish-5: Large event 6 PM: Depart
Check this page for updated information as we get closer to the date.
Meetup : East Coast Super Fun Rationalists Sleepover Party Extravaganza
Discussion article for the meetup : East Coast Super Fun Rationalists Sleepover Party Extravaganza
WHEN: 09 July 2011 − 10 July 2011
WHERE: New York City
The Cambridge and DC groups happened to be simultaneously considering a trip to visit the world-famous NYC group. After a bit of coordination, we are proud to announce the East Coast Super Fun Rationalists Sleepover Party Extravaganza!
The general plan is to arrive on the afternoon of the 9th, and leave on the (late) morning of the 10th. This is still in the planning stages, so the schedule, accommodations, etc. are still being worked out.
If you’re in the Cambridge or DC groups (and have RSVPed), these are being worked out for you, otherwise, either assume you have to work this out on your own, or send me a PM with your email address. You’ll probably have to find your own transportation, but I can help with suggestions.
If a lot of people not attached to groups come, it would be great if someone stepped up to coordinate those people.
If you’re in a group (Toronto?) and think your group might be interested in attending, please send me a PM with your email address.
2 PM: Cambridge and DC groups arrive
3 PM: Lunch
5 − 11 PM: Large event
11 - ?: Miscellaneous Hanging out
12ish-5: Large event
6 PM: Depart
Check this page for updated information as we get closer to the date.
Discussion article for the meetup : East Coast Super Fun Rationalists Sleepover Party Extravaganza