Personal knowledge management (PKM) is a collection of processes that a person uses to gather, classify, store, search, retrieve and share knowledge in their daily activities (Grundspenkis 2007) and the way in which these processes support work activities (Wright 2005). It is a response to the idea that knowledge workers need to be responsible for their own growth and learning (Smedley 2009). It is a bottom-up approach to knowledge management (KM) (Pollard 2008).
I am curious about how LessWrongers manage personal information, including but not limited to—research reading/ research output, side-projects/ hobbies, blogging, managing watchlist/ to-read list, social information, incremental-reading, making flashcards, threads-from-unfinished-conversations, braindumps, and maybe even general GTD-stuff.
Information about any of the following will be greatly appreciated.
General framework/ philosophy for PKM.
Can be very concrete and well-defined like Building a Second Brain or a very a general rule-of-thumb like ‘I bookmark everything/ I write down all thoughts in org-mode.’
What and How. Everything counts—wikis, org-mode, physical notebook, etc.
Both local (how you manage fuzzy and perpetually arriving information on a day-to-day basis) and global (how you PKM for bigger and concrete projects over longer time).
[Question] What is your Personal Knowledge Management system?
I am curious about how LessWrongers manage personal information, including but not limited to—research reading/ research output, side-projects/ hobbies, blogging, managing watchlist/ to-read list, social information, incremental-reading, making flashcards, threads-from-unfinished-conversations, braindumps, and maybe even general GTD-stuff.
Information about any of the following will be greatly appreciated.
General framework/ philosophy for PKM. Can be very concrete and well-defined like Building a Second Brain or a very a general rule-of-thumb like ‘I bookmark everything/ I write down all thoughts in org-mode.’
Toolchain. What and How. Everything counts—wikis, org-mode, physical notebook, etc.
Workflow. Both local (how you manage fuzzy and perpetually arriving information on a day-to-day basis) and global (how you PKM for bigger and concrete projects over longer time).
Comparison of multiple frameworks, if used.
Tips and tricks/ info about building PKM habits.