Democracy was in crisis. Politicians peddled demagogic bullshit. Reason, a small candle in the dark, faced existential threats
It was the 5th century BC. If Athens divided, then its neighbors would destroy it. They would massacre the men, enslave the women, and burn the library.
A traitor appeared in the city square. He wrote memetic viruses with the purpose of tearing down the social infrastructure holding Athens together.
The traitor was brought to lawful, legal trial. He was offered merciful exile, so that he could disrupt the bad guys instead. Instead, the traitor choose death.
Through his blood sacrifice, the rationalist Western intellectual tradition was born.
What is the most fundamental optimization target of rationality?
To be less wrong?
To be more right?
To save the world?
To take a heretical stand and state “E Pur Si Muove”?
Mu. The most basic rationalist precept is to not forcibly impose your values onto another mind.
If I said [to him] “You’re wrong; x is true”, then—even if he listened to me—he wouldn’t have thought through it. He’d just be copying my ideas. Which isn’t what I want. I don’t want people to copy my beliefs. I want people to think sensibly.
For a long time, when I’m walking people through this, they won’t even know what my beliefs are. Usually they’ll think I agree with them. But if they think about it hard, they’ll realize that they have no idea what I believe, because I have to clean up their idea to reason before that is even relevant.
Petrov Day [Spoiler Warning]
Democracy was in crisis. Politicians peddled demagogic bullshit. Reason, a small candle in the dark, faced existential threats
It was the 5th century BC. If Athens divided, then its neighbors would destroy it. They would massacre the men, enslave the women, and burn the library.
A traitor appeared in the city square. He wrote memetic viruses with the purpose of tearing down the social infrastructure holding Athens together.
The traitor was brought to lawful, legal trial. He was offered merciful exile, so that he could disrupt the bad guys instead. Instead, the traitor choose death.
Through his blood sacrifice, the rationalist Western intellectual tradition was born.
What is the most fundamental optimization target of rationality?
To be less wrong?
To be more right?
To save the world?
To take a heretical stand and state “E Pur Si Muove”?
Mu. The most basic rationalist precept is to not forcibly impose your values onto another mind.