By “rationalist” I mean anybody LW-adjacent, that I’ve met at a meetup. By healthy I mean someone who looks like they have a BMI between 18 and 25, and exercises regularly.
And I actually need to revise: when I went to India I attended a LessWrong meetup, and there were many healthy people there. So this distinction is probably limited to American rationalists, of which I’m including myself as an unhealthy example; I have a BMI of about 30.
By “rationalist” I mean anybody LW-adjacent, that I’ve met at a meetup. By healthy I mean someone who looks like they have a BMI between 18 and 25, and exercises regularly.
And I actually need to revise: when I went to India I attended a LessWrong meetup, and there were many healthy people there. So this distinction is probably limited to American rationalists, of which I’m including myself as an unhealthy example; I have a BMI of about 30.