As you are probably aware, we have a new front page featuring a graphic of a brain. One of the links on the front page, “A source of edited rationality materials,” links to the Less Wrong meetup group resources page. A number of users have suggested that this isn’t the best page to show off to new readers, and lukeprog has requisitioned a new page to replace it.
I’ve volunteered to create this new page, but I’d like it to be a collaborative community project.
I’d like this new page to contain a few introductory paragraphs about Less Wrong followed by an index of some of our best content. At the moment, though, this project is still in the brainstorming phase, so this is just a tentative plan. I’d like to hear your thoughts about what the page should contain, including its content, layout, and organization. You can help out by editing the wiki page or by leaving suggestions and feedback in the comments below. Your input is always welcome, even if it’s just “This is a terrible idea” or “I think this post should be in there.”
Collaborative project: New rationality materials page
As you are probably aware, we have a new front page featuring a graphic of a brain. One of the links on the front page, “A source of edited rationality materials,” links to the Less Wrong meetup group resources page. A number of users have suggested that this isn’t the best page to show off to new readers, and lukeprog has requisitioned a new page to replace it.
I’ve volunteered to create this new page, but I’d like it to be a collaborative community project.
I’d like this new page to contain a few introductory paragraphs about Less Wrong followed by an index of some of our best content. At the moment, though, this project is still in the brainstorming phase, so this is just a tentative plan. I’d like to hear your thoughts about what the page should contain, including its content, layout, and organization. You can help out by editing the wiki page or by leaving suggestions and feedback in the comments below. Your input is always welcome, even if it’s just “This is a terrible idea” or “I think this post should be in there.”
Link to the wiki page.