I believe we have more control then we think we have. I call it ‘mind maintenance’ if you think about and very carefully try to analyze problems, biases, personal traps etc.it is possible to make a difference to how you approach things in the future. As long as you feel you are separate from your brain/mind or have some sort of magical free will or mistrust your own thinking, it will be very difficult to do mind maintenance. There is not a you and your brain. There is one brain and within it there is widespread awareness of some of its processes—together being you.
Right now, you can’t repair your brains very much. We have no good access to them. You have to trust them. At least for now.
What doesn’t mean, they are right. It only means that this is your best bet you can make. At least for now.
I believe we have more control then we think we have. I call it ‘mind maintenance’ if you think about and very carefully try to analyze problems, biases, personal traps etc.it is possible to make a difference to how you approach things in the future. As long as you feel you are separate from your brain/mind or have some sort of magical free will or mistrust your own thinking, it will be very difficult to do mind maintenance. There is not a you and your brain. There is one brain and within it there is widespread awareness of some of its processes—together being you.
I believe that too. But only if the underlying mental process is sound. Than you will handle the inputs properly and the outputs will be satisfactory.
Even in the case of optical illusions, you can understand the context and everything will go by smoothly.
But if you doubt in your brains’ abilities generally, it’s nothing you can do.