This is a genuine concern, and this may be particularly high-variance advice. However, a focus on avoiding mistakes over trying new “superstrategies” might also help some people with akrasia. It’s easier to do what you know than seek some special trick. Personally, at least, I find akrasia is worst when it comes from not knowing what to do next. And while taking fewer actions in general is usually a bad idea, trying to avoid mistakes could also be used for “the next time I’m about to sit around and do nothing, instead I’ll clean/program/reach out to a friend.” This doesn’t sound like it has to be about necessarily doing less.
This is a genuine concern, and this may be particularly high-variance advice. However, a focus on avoiding mistakes over trying new “superstrategies” might also help some people with akrasia. It’s easier to do what you know than seek some special trick. Personally, at least, I find akrasia is worst when it comes from not knowing what to do next. And while taking fewer actions in general is usually a bad idea, trying to avoid mistakes could also be used for “the next time I’m about to sit around and do nothing, instead I’ll clean/program/reach out to a friend.” This doesn’t sound like it has to be about necessarily doing less.