For anyone who’s annoyed by having to check newest submissions for Main and Discussion separately, there is a feed for combined submissions from both, in the form of Newest Submissions—All (RSS feed). (There’s also Comments—All (RSS feed), but for me at least, it seems to only show comments from Main and none from Discussion.)
Thanks to RichardKennaway for bringing this to my attention, and to Unknowns for asking the question that prompted him. (If you’ve got the time, head over there and give them some karma.) I thought this deserved the visibility of a post in Discussion, as not everyone reads through the Open Thread, and I think there’s a chance that many would benefit from this information.
(Very Short) PSA: Combined Main and Discussion Feed
For anyone who’s annoyed by having to check newest submissions for Main and Discussion separately, there is a feed for combined submissions from both, in the form of Newest Submissions—All (RSS feed). (There’s also Comments—All (RSS feed), but for me at least, it seems to only show comments from Main and none from Discussion.)
Thanks to RichardKennaway for bringing this to my attention, and to Unknowns for asking the question that prompted him. (If you’ve got the time, head over there and give them some karma.) I thought this deserved the visibility of a post in Discussion, as not everyone reads through the Open Thread, and I think there’s a chance that many would benefit from this information.