WHERE:Shakespeare’s Head, 64-68 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AH
Parts of LessWrong London have been feeling like the association with LW no longer really captures what we’re about. Several of us have pretty much stopped reading the site. So we’re doing an experimental rebrand as a diaspora meetup group.
The diaspora includes, but is not limited to: LessWrong, SlateStarCodex, parts of the Effective Altruism movement, the bit of tumblr that brands itself ‘rationalist tumblrsphere’.
If you feel like you want to hang out with the sort of people who are involved with those things: welcome! You are invited. You do not need to think you are clever enough, or interesting enough, or similar enough to the rest of us, to attend. You are invited.
This meetup will be social discussion in a pub, with no set topic. If there’s a topic you want to talk about, feel free to bring it.
There will be some way to identify us.
People start showing up around two, and there are almost always people around until after six, but feel free to come and go at whatever time.
Meetup : London diaspora meetup, 10/01/2016
Discussion article for the meetup : London diaspora meetup, 10/01/2016
WHEN: 10 January 2016 02:00:00PM (+0000)
WHERE: Shakespeare’s Head, 64-68 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AH
Parts of LessWrong London have been feeling like the association with LW no longer really captures what we’re about. Several of us have pretty much stopped reading the site. So we’re doing an experimental rebrand as a diaspora meetup group.
The diaspora includes, but is not limited to: LessWrong, SlateStarCodex, parts of the Effective Altruism movement, the bit of tumblr that brands itself ‘rationalist tumblrsphere’.
If you feel like you want to hang out with the sort of people who are involved with those things: welcome! You are invited. You do not need to think you are clever enough, or interesting enough, or similar enough to the rest of us, to attend. You are invited.
This meetup will be social discussion in a pub, with no set topic. If there’s a topic you want to talk about, feel free to bring it.
There will be some way to identify us.
People start showing up around two, and there are almost always people around until after six, but feel free to come and go at whatever time.
Discussion article for the meetup : London diaspora meetup, 10/01/2016