Any interest in playing an anonymous game of Diplomacy against your fellow lwers?
Taking the advice of the last thread and created the room already, you just have to register and join.
The pass is lw.
Rules are all set to default. Game will start when 7 payers join.
Any interest in playing an anonymous game of Diplomacy against your fellow lwers? Taking the advice of the last thread and created the room already, you just have to register and join. The pass is lw. Rules are all set to default. Game will start when 7 payers join.
Thanks! Last time, the one I joined didn’t manage to get off the ground, so I’m glad this is happening again.
Does anyone worry that (rot13 as possible memetic hazard for highly paranoid people)
Nyy bhe vagrearg npgvivgl vf orvat fgberq naq va gur shgher ragvgvrf’ qrpvfvbaf ba jurgure gb gehfg hf (be cbfguhzna irefvbaf bs hf) jvyy or cnegvnyyl onfrq hcba jurgure be abg jr fgnoorq rnpu bgure va tnzrf bs bayvar qvcybznpl?
Edit: 3 slots remain.
15 hours left to fill up room, else room resets, please join soon and take part in your very own serious diplomacy simulation!