Simply, what self-help techniques have you tried and found to help you? Bonus points if you can say something about the context in which you did the self-help and any speculations you have about mechanism of action.
Please give one technique per answer, multiple answers accepted per person (at least, I hope LW allows that, but I’m guessing it will), please read existing answer to avoid duplication, and comment on existing answers about a technique if you have more to say about that technique.
I’ll put a couple of my own answers in below as examples and because I have answers to my own question!
[Question] What self-help has helped you?
Simply, what self-help techniques have you tried and found to help you? Bonus points if you can say something about the context in which you did the self-help and any speculations you have about mechanism of action.
Please give one technique per answer, multiple answers accepted per person (at least, I hope LW allows that, but I’m guessing it will), please read existing answer to avoid duplication, and comment on existing answers about a technique if you have more to say about that technique.
I’ll put a couple of my own answers in below as examples and because I have answers to my own question!